I always wanted to write some information of Indian political history. I felt that chossing congress party for the startup of this article was the most appropriate step to begin this series. Every week I shall write something on this topic.
The Blog will cover the history and current analysis of the parties through the minds of an individual like me who thinks that the common man never played any role in themaking of government.
PART 1 : The History
Lot of us has read in our History Text-books about the Indian freedom struggle.
We all read with whole devotion and get enraged for the atrocities by British government and also get equally patriotic for the sacrifice our forefathers have done for this gift of freedom.
Indian National Congress is one of the key-components of this freedom struggle. They are presently deciding and governing he fate of our country even after 60 years of freedom and still having strong roots in our linguistically and religiously diverse society where every individual is afraid of him/her getting lost by the future wave of globalization.
The Congress started its practicing of ideologies strongly due to mixed leaders from all religions. Lot of pro-British people whole heartedly supported congress due to the representation and importance the party had gained in the British dominated administration. All great leaders of freedom struggle were from Congress.
However this was the history. Lets Move to a time somewhere around 50’s when the country was newly republic and democratic union. At the beginning of the 50’s the new leaders from congress showed the people of India new dreams and hopes they never could imagine when they were under British rule. People had the full faith in the leadership since they were the servants of the people and supposed to be pure by heart. This illusion shattered once we enetered the 60’s as India was still not able to cope up its food production problem. People were starving in hunger when Nehru and her daughter were meeting JFK and fidel castro and giving the motto’s of hindi chini Bhai-Bhai while the common man of RK laxman dying by hunger.
People had begun to realize that congress has cheated them and messed up with the promises they had earlier given. However during this time secular thinking was still strong and so called fascist parties of Hindu Mahasabha and janasangh were never entertained during this period.
The 60’s saw the nation coming together for the wars between Sino India, Pak-India. The people were still feeling deprived of the rights. The end of sixties and beginning of seventies saw the end of license raj and green-revolution(visible only in Punjab and haryana). This made the country in terms of statistics self-sufficient.
The emergency of 76 sparked the rise of new wave of thinking individuals who were inspired by the Chinese revolution and were ready for equal rights for all Indians.
These changes led to first non-congress union government at the center and sparked a series of unstable governments due to lack of popular mandate and required plebiscite.
Nothing new happened in 80’s except the murder of Indira Gandhi which led to sympathy vote for congress and Rajeev Gandhi being chosen as the new prime-minister.
However 90’s marked the new revolution in Indian economy. It gave India the power to compete with the best and choose the best for the individuals. The almost bankrupt Indian Government finally broke its Hand Cuffs and rose like a Phoenix. The decade marked the rise of non-secular forces which took advantage of the Islamic terrorism in Kashmir and started agitation against Muslims. The Babri Masjid demolishment added spark to the boiling tension in the two communities and finally there were riots all over the country.
These changes led to rise of a Non secular party “BJP”. BJP was the fragment of the former Janasangh backed up by the VHP(vishwa Hindu Parishad”) and the RSS(“rashtriya swayam sevak sangh”). The BJP for the first time changed the indian political history by appearing a fierce competitor to the Congress. We shall discuss about BJP in some another Blog.
Congress however worked at the grass-root level and was successfully able to win in the begining of 21st century. The horizon of politics had been changed by the time then and development was the sole mandate people of majority of states voting for(forget the Hero Politics in South Indian states of TN and AP).
Congress present day is only shrinked to a party which is unable o accept its failure and trying to show hogwarts to the people claiming the responsibility of being a "Secular" party.
I shall discuss in next blog the regional parties, their rise and causes for each. Hope the blog was a refresher of your history.
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