Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Suggestions for the free and fair conduct of Indian Democracy

1) Give one day each for every party to showcase what development they can do in that single day on a budget of say 1 billion rupees. This statistics should be given only to the parties/alliances which are at national level 1-2-max3 numbers in the order of the lok-sabha seats won in previous elections. The public shall see how they perform and then vote based upon that to the party which does the based (agreed this is inspired from the movie NAYAK)

2) There should be concept of negative voting in India as in some eastern European countries with multiparty system. In the case the candidate shall also face negative voting incase the public feels they are not competent enough.

3) If the total vote turnover in the election is less than 50% then there should be reelection there.

4) The Candidate standing for the LS/RS elections should be at least postgraduate in fields of science / engineer/doctor with minimum 60 % marks.

5) The candidates standing for the VS/LA elections should be at least graduate with 60% marks in any field during this time.

6) If the Candidate has a proven verdict related to murder/extortion/rape in any of the courts in the Indian government(district/high/supreme), He/she should be barred from contesting the election

7) There should be a option with the people to discard the elections and ask for a person with proven record in administration appointed by a panel

of supreme court judges in the case if people cast only negative voting. this means that this person will be appointed from administrative services with a very good track record for the development of that constituency.

8) if the candidate has more than 2 children he should be allowed to contest only if he has the third child/more as daughters. Max 2 sons.

9) if the candidate has wealth more than 100 million rupees, his 10% of the wealth should be hold as deposit since these candidates are most likely to spend more in election and try to recover more money.

10) IT officers can raid the offices/home of these politicians any time in 5 years tenure for 10 times. if any money not accountable is found, the politician is liable to be terminated from the membership until he accounts the money and source of income.

11) The Candidates must be given strict etiquettes training every time they are elected with a exam which will test their current affairs knowledge.

Failing to clear the exam shall result in making him undergo the course again to max of 5 times on which his membership shall be terminated.

12) No medical ground concession should be given to the candidate in all the above cases.

13) If the number of literate people in constituency is less than 65 % the elections shall not be held until the constituency is enough literate.

14) The companies shall be paid additional amount if they have employee percentage of >95% voting in the elections.

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